As promised, I’m finally sharing the results from my Online
Photo Sharing survey. Hooah!
I conducted the survey through Through their free
plan, I was limited to 10 questions and one hundred responses. Today we’ll look
briefly at the first question.
Question 1. Which of the following photo sharing/social
media websites do you currently have an account with? (Check all that apply)
Additional responses
(some responders listed multiple sites):
My first thought was, “Wow -- 97% of those who responded post their
photos on Facebook.” Then I realized that I primarily promoted the survey
through my Facebook contacts, meaning most of the responders were already
Facebook users. The other sites with higher responses in this survey: Flickr,
Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Shutterfly, Snapfish and Twitter.
The next thing I noticed was how many photo sharing sites I had overlooked
when preparing options for the question. Each of these sites has different
sharing options, some strictly controlled while others are able to interact
with each other. With millions of people sharing photos online, and the large
number of avenues to share our photos, it’s easy to see how quickly we can lose
track of even our own online images.
Another thought that jumped out to me is that some sites are
solely focused on sharing photos, while a few of the others are also focused on
the business of printing these images.
Okay, enough for today. Tomorrow I’ll look at the next
couple of questions. Were there any other photo sharing sites I missed in the
limited survey?