Friday, October 18, 2013

Ooops... I'm a little busy at the moment.

I'm sorry for not reporting more survey results in a timely manner. As a military family member and shutterbug fanatic in the DC area, I'll be busy the next couple of days taking photos at the Army Ten Miler and the AUSA convention. More results will follow, though, soon enough. :)

Click on the photo to visit my ATM 2013 Flickr set.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Where do you share your photos online?

As promised, I’m finally sharing the results from my Online Photo Sharing survey. Hooah!
I conducted the survey through Through their free plan, I was limited to 10 questions and one hundred responses. Today we’ll look briefly at the first question.
Question 1. Which of the following photo sharing/social media websites do you currently have an account with? (Check all that apply)

Additional responses (some responders listed multiple sites):
  • 500PX (3)
  • ArtSig
  • Behance
  • Better Photo
  • Deviant Art
  • Fotofanatic (9)
  • iperrnity
  • largeformatphotography
  • MPix
  • MyShutterspace
  • PhotoSig
  • Pixoto
  • Redbubble
  • Tumblr (4)
  • ViewBug
  • Wordpress
  • None
  • others...
  • I think I probably have accounts with others, but I don't use them.
  • my own web site
  • a village web site
My first thought was, “Wow -- 97% of those who responded post their photos on Facebook.” Then I realized that I primarily promoted the survey through my Facebook contacts, meaning most of the responders were already Facebook users. The other sites with higher responses in this survey: Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Shutterfly, Snapfish and Twitter.
The next thing I noticed was how many photo sharing sites I had overlooked when preparing options for the question. Each of these sites has different sharing options, some strictly controlled while others are able to interact with each other. With millions of people sharing photos online, and the large number of avenues to share our photos, it’s easy to see how quickly we can lose track of even our own online images.
Another thought that jumped out to me is that some sites are solely focused on sharing photos, while a few of the others are also focused on the business of printing these images.
Okay, enough for today. Tomorrow I’ll look at the next couple of questions. Were there any other photo sharing sites I missed in the limited survey?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Online Photo Sharing -- The Survey

In an attempt to learn more about the best practices of sharing photographs online, I put out a survey to see how other people were sharing their photos. One hundred people completed the survey. Looking at the survey results and comments, the respondents seem to have been pulled from a wide range of photographers. I’m especially interested in the comments that were shared after a few of the questions, as these give us even more opportunity to learn from each other.
There were nine questions in the survey. I hope to go over the responses one day at a time. I will post the results and discussion on my photo blog (, and link the posts to my Facebook page (
During this survey one person commented on a post that I was quite angry, taking my anger about my shared anger on others, and “good luck with policing the internet.” Obviously this person doesn’t know me at all. My goal through this process is to not only learn more about sharing photos online (my photos and those of others), but to help educate others to the different ways we should be doing sharing photos.
Copyright concerns are quite interesting to me. Before one of my photos went viral (search “Tomb Guards in the Rain, I wasn’t too concerned about protecting the copyright rights of my photos. Who saw my photos, anyway? I took photographs of our military unit to share with the soldiers’ family and friends. They were most likely just sharing those photos with more friends and family. This was my goal in taking the photos.
I love the history of our unit, the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard). Taking photos of our soldiers at work is my way of documenting all of the work that they do: ceremonial affairs, memorial affairs, and the amazing folks who also do a world of work behind the scenes. When my photo went viral, thankfully the majority of comments I read connected to the photo were very positive. The photo achieved the goal of bringing more honor to our soldiers, and other soldiers as well. Hooah!
The speed with which the photos was shared, though, unfortunately connected with misinformation, has caused me to think about the photos I’ve been sharing online, how I’ve been sharing those photos, and what others were doing with my photos. Hmmm… The photo was not only a conversation starter among my friends, but also with professional photographers, journalists and copyright lawyers. This has encouraged me to learn more, and to share what I learn with others.
I don’t have all the answers about sharing photographs online. I actually have very few answers, but have more of a thirst to learn as much as possible. What I’m learning not only applies to professional photographers who make a living from their photos, but to moms and pops posting photos of their cutie pie kiddos via social media.
The results of the quick survey I posted were quite interesting. Tomorrow I will start sharing the results with Question 1: “Which of the following photo sharing/social media websites do you currently have an account with?” Please share your thoughts and participate in the discussion. The questions you have and the answers you can offer may be helpful to other people.
I’m looking forward to the next nine posts! Again, HOOAH!

More reading/listening:
That photo of the Tomb of the Unknowns guard in the rain? It’s from September:

Tomb of the Unknowns photographer learns a ‘real big lesson in social media’:

1 billion views in a week: 'How my photo went viral':

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Concerned about online photo sharing?

Me, too. I've started a Facebook page in an effort to collect information about sharing photos online. Check out the page, "Like" and share it with others. We can learn a lot from sharing this information with one another! To visit the page, click the picture here: